The UCB Buzz

A publication of

Utah Council of the Blind

June 2020
Annual Meeting Issue


For the latest news updates call the Utah Connection 801-299-0670 or 1‑800-273-4569. (You may also leave a message at the end of the announcement.)

Mail correspondence to: UCB, PO Box 1415, Bountiful, UT 84011-1415. E-mail us at


The UCB Buzz is available in large print, braille, audio CD, as a data (Microsoft Word and a plain text file) CD, and by e-mail. If you would prefer to receive your newsletter in a different format, please call the Utah Connection or send an e-mail to and let us know.


In This Issue

UCB Annual Business Meeting.................................................................. 3

Call for Nominations................................. 4

Bylaws Amendments................................ 7

Award Nominations.................................................................................... 7

General UCB Information........................................................................... 9

Board of Directors................................... 11



UCB Annual Business Meeting

The Annual Business Meeting of the Utah Council of the Blind will be on Saturday, September 19, 2020. At this time, it is unclear whether it will be possible to hold an in-person meeting. Elections will be held on that date, as required by our bylaws, in any case. Please watch upcoming communications for more details.

Membership Verification: In order to vote at the annual business meeting a member's dues for 2020 must be paid no later than September 12, 2020. If you have any questions about your membership status, please contact our Membership Chair, Aunilie Hathaway, at (801) 244-5505 or via e-mail at

Call for Nominations

During this year's annual business meeting, we will be electing the vice president, treasurer, and two board members. As specified in the UCB Bylaws: " In order to be eligible for election to an officer position a person must have been a member of the organization for not less than one year and served on a committee. In order to be elected to a board position a person must have been a member of the organization for not less than six months.”

“The Nominating Committee, in conjunction with the Membership Committee, shall have responsibility for verifying the qualifications of members wishing to have their names placed in nomination for available positions on the Board of Directors.”

“Any qualified member of the organization wishing to run for a position on the Board of Directors may notify a member of the Committee by submitting a short (one page or less) written statement concerning his/her qualifications and vision for the future of the organization.”

Nominating Committee: We are pleased to announce that the Nominating Committee chair for this year is Tina Terry. Her committee members are Sandy Ruconich and Sandy England.

Anyone who wishes to run for one of the open positions, please send your nomination statement to:

Utah Council of the Blind
Nominating Committee
PO Box 1415
Bountiful UT 84011-1415

or by e-mail to:

Your nomination statement must be received on or before August 1, 2020 in order to allow time for it to be prepared for printing in the September newsletter. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Tina at 801-245-9264.

Bylaws Amendments

Proposed Bylaws amendments may be submitted to:

Utah Council of the Blind
Bylaws Proposals
PO Box 1415
Bountiful UT 84011-1415

or by e-mail to:

Proposals must be received on or before August 1, 2020 in order for them to be prepared for publication in the September newsletter.

Award Nominations

By Cordie Weed

It is that time of the year again that the UCB recognizes those who have given their time generously serving the blind and visually impaired community. The UCB would present awards to these people at the annual business meeting in September. There are three levels of awards offered to those who have served so faithfully. If you have anyone who deserves recognition by serving you or others whom you know, write a paragraph or two about this individual and submit to or mail it to:

Utah Council of the Blind
Awards Committee
PO Box 1415
Bountiful UT 84011-1415

no later than August 1, 2020.

General UCB Information

Our office at DSBVI is temporarily closed. Watch The Buzz and listen to The Utah Connection for updates.

We are always looking for articles, book reviews, or interesting tidbits of information from our readers or other interested persons. The deadline for submitting items for publication is the 10th of the month, e.g. the deadline for the August newsletter is July 10th. You may e-mail any articles you wish to submit to or send braille, print, or audio to UCB Buzz, PO Box 1415, Bountiful, UT 84011-1415. Please allow extra time for processing braille, print, or audio.

Board meetings are currently being held by conference call on an as-needed basis.

If you have questions or concerns for any board member or to be placed on the agenda of a board meeting, e-mail or leave a message on the Utah Connection, and you will receive a timely reply.

Board of Directors

Tina Terry, President

Donni Mitchell, Vice President

Tom Mitchell, Secretary

Vicki L Flake, Treasurer

Anna Jeffery, Past President

Aunilie Hathaway, Director

Cordie Weed, Director

Monica Youngdell, Director

Sandy England, Director

Sandy Ruconich, Director, Chief Executive Officer (interim)

Kathryn E Schofield, Chief Operating Officer (interim)


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Utah Council of the Blind                                                                         FREE MATTER

PO Box 1415                                                                                           FOR THE BLIND

Bountiful UT 84011-1415                                                                        AND DISABLED















Utah Council of the Blind                                                                         FREE MATTER

PO Box 1415                                                                                           FOR THE BLIND

Bountiful UT 84011-1415                                                                        AND DISABLED