The UCB Flier

A publication of

Utah Council of the Blind


February 2018


For the latest news updates call the Utah Connection 801-299-0670 or 1‑800-273-4569. (You may also leave a message at the end of the announcement.)

Mail correspondence to: UCB, PO Box 1415, Bountiful, UT 84011-1415. E-mail us at


The UCB Flier is available in large print, Braille, audio CD, as a data (Microsoft Word and a plain text file) CD, and by e-mail. If you would prefer to receive your newsletter in a different format, please call the Utah Connection or send an e-mail to and let us know.


In This Issue

President's Message.................................................................................. 4

You're All Invited!........................................................................................ 5

Team Teacher Group Trainings................................................................. 7

Latest Calendar with Updates.................................................................... 8

Perkins Braille Writers for Sale................................................................... 9

Credit Union for People with Sight Loss................................................... 10

Name That Tune Activity.......................................................................... 11

Ceramics Class........................................................................................ 13

Personal Braille........................................................................................ 13

For Users of Dog Guides.......................................................................... 14

Important Update on Accessible Currency, We Need Your Voice!........... 14

DOJ Withdraws Proposed Regulations Regarding How ADA Applies to Websites?................................................................................................ 17

WBU statement for World Braille Day, January 4, 2018........................... 21

Father Invented A Game To Help His Daughter Learn Braille.................. 25

Using Social Media When You Are Totally Blind...................................... 30

General UCB Information......................................................................... 38

Upcoming Board Meetings...................... 39



Articles and announcements included in this publication are presented for your information and interest. They reflect the opinions of the respective authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the UCB.


President's Message

Dear UCB Members,

As we begin a new year, I want to start by expressing appreciation to Anna Jeffry for all of the time she has devoted to the Utah Council of the Blind. I hope that I can expand on the things that she has helped implement as well as bring new ideas for us in the future.

Many of you know that my husband, Rick, and I work as teacher trainers for the UCB, but I wanted to take a little bit of time and tell you a little more about myself. I like to do a variety of things such as singing, playing the piano, reading, cooking, roller blading and learning new things. I have enjoyed working with the UCB for the last two years and absolutely love being challenged to teach someone something new. If I do not know the answer to a question, I will try very hard to find it. We will always have challenges as blind or visually impaired people, but my goal as president will be to help find new and fresh ways to overcome them. My belief is that life is full of obstacles, and when we overcome each one it builds character and makes us stronger. I am here to serve the UCB, so if anyone has anything that they feel I can help with, please feel free to contact me.

Tina Terry, President,
Utah Council of the Blind

You're All Invited!

Come join us at DSBVI on Saturday, February 3, at 10:30 a.m. for our great February get-together. Colleen Wall from Mrs. Cavanaugh's will be joining us, again, with plenty of chocolate for you to taste and buy. Plus, there will be a couple of surprises which involve free yummy stuff. The activity will run from 10:30 to 12:30 and includes lunch. So, come prepared to enjoy the fun. The cost is only $2.00 per person, payable at the door. It is important, however, that you call the Utah Connection for reservations no later than February 1, so that we can be sure to have enough food for everyone.

Then, be sure to return to DSBVI on Saturday, March 3, at 10:30 a.m., when we will be welcoming back the Dunmore Lassies, that great group we heard from several years ago with their great music, fun information, and various instruments. This year, the Dunmore Lassies will be staying for lunch to answer more of your questions and to let you look at their instruments if you would like to. The event will be topped off by an Irish lunch from McCool's. This musical program and delicious lunch will be $10.00 per person, so plan on it, and get your money in by February 17 so that we know how many to count on for McCool's.

On Saturday, March 10, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be holding a special tour of the newly refurbished Jordan River temple. This event is specifically set up for those who are blind or visually impaired to have a more "hands-on" experience and is open to both church members and nonmembers.

And don't forget Saturday, March 24, and our annual Easter egg hunt. More details next newsletter!

Team Teacher Group Trainings

The Wednesday afternoon technology forums sponsored by the UCB Team Teacher Program will be resuming in February. Join Tina Terry and Vicki Flake at DSBVI, 250 N 1950 W, Salt Lake City, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Check with Donni in the UCB Office for the exact location each week.

The fun will kick off on Wednesday, February 7, with a demonstration and discussion of pressure cooking, featuring the popular Instant Pot and the Power Pressure Cooker XL. We will be sampling various dishes prepared in the pressure cookers, and one lucky participant will take home an Instant Pot of their own.

The great array to topics for the balance of the month include:

·       February 14: High- and Low-Tech Solutions for Everyday Living

·       February 21: The Expanded and Improved Seeing AI app, now including handwriting recognition, and updates on other smartphone apps

·       February 28: Echo, Echo Dot, Google Home Mini, and the New Microsoft Invoke (which does not require pairing with a smartphone)—we will be giving away an Echo Dot to one of our attendees on this day

·       March 7: Reading documents using a smart phone

·       March 14: Using Microsoft Outlook for email and calendars

Latest Calendar with Updates

Mail checks or money orders for any activities to UCB, PO Box 1415, Bountiful, UT 84011-1415. They need to reach us by dates given. Unless otherwise noted, classes and activities listed below are held at the Division of Services for the Blind, 250 N 1950 W, Salt Lake City.

·       Saturday, February 3, 2018, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: chocolate and more!

·       Saturday, February 17, $10 reservation due for Dunmore Lassies and lunch

·       Saturday, March 3, 2018: the Dunmore Lassies with catered lunch, $10 per person

·       Saturday, March 17, tour of LDS Jordan River Temple

·       Saturday, March 24, 2018: Easter egg hunt

Perkins Braille Writers for Sale

One of the best ways to write and or learn braille is by using a Perkins Braille Writer however, as many of you know, these machines cost nearly $1,000 when new. Fortunately, there are used braille writers available for $100 to $150. These have been refurbished and work well. If you have a need for a Perkins Braille Writer, please contact

1-(801) 292-1156 and put in your order.

Credit Union for People with Sight Loss

Many of you may not be aware that there is a credit union specifically for blind and visually impaired located in Salt Lake City at the Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, 250 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, 84116. Founded in 1975, this credit union has been serving the community throughout all of Utah, providing loans and excellent savings opportunities. One of its most popular programs is its low interest adaptive technology loans. People who need the expensive adaptive technology can borrow these funds at only 2% interest for up to 5 years. This makes it possible for most people to purchase notetakers, Braille displays, CCTV's, etc. The credit union offers low interest loans for medical equipment. By depositing $25, you can become a member of the credit union and receive some of these special benefits. It needs to be noted that this credit union pays higher dividends than most other financial institutions.

At this time the credit union has a 2007 Ford Explorer for sale. This is a 4-wheel drive suv that seats 7. The 3rd row seat can be stowed away for extra cargo space. Other features include, leather seating, sunroof, luggage rack, CD player, rear AC/Heating vents. 135k miles, V6. In excellent condition. Asking $7200 obo.

To contact the CUBVIU (Credit Union for the Blind and Visually Impaired of Utah), call 801-220-0800 and leave a message or phone between 12:00 and 6:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. You may also walk in during those hours for service. Some of you may be particularly interested in the bill paying service. This is a great service for those who can no longer read their bills and have difficulty writing checks. Hope to see you there.

Name That Tune Activity

Those of us who were able to attend UCB's January activity had a real treat. The activity was both challenging and very amusing, with lots of laughs. It was amazing to see the talent exhibited by the members. Sandy Ruconich, who planned and led the game, is an amazing pianist. She demonstrated her talent by playing every song without music. A variety of categories were presented, including themes to movies, songs about states and cities, 60's music, children's songs, and many more. Everyone participated in an amazing demonstration of song identification both by name and by singing the words and tunes. For two hours, these talented people played and sang with only one song failing to be identified. It was a terrific experience being part of this overwhelming musical extravaganza. Everyone was so enthusiastic about the activity that they want to do it, again, soon. This would mean that those who missed it would have the opportunity to participate at a later date. It is truly an exceptional experience. The Kentucky Fried Chicken lunch was just the frosting on the cake for an excellent event. Thanks to all those who made it possible.

Ceramics Class

Just a reminder, the ceramics class has begun for 2018. It will still be held on Wednesday of each week from 10 to 2 at the Blind Center. If you have questions, please call 801-292-1156. Ceramics projects must be paid for by each individual. Firing is free. Current class members encourage you to come join them. They thoroughly enjoy being together while making beautiful art.

Personal Braille

You may not be aware that people who read braille are eligible to have personal print materials transcribed into braille through the UCB's Personal Braille Transcription Project. Certain braille books or manuals available through various producers of braille may also be available for you to own personally. If you have a request, please leave your contact information on the Utah Connection, and someone will get back with you.

For Users of Dog Guides

Greatest Paws on Earth is an independent group of people interested in guide dogs and issues concerning them. They meet each month on the 3rd Thursday via conference call to talk about a different topic in which dog guide users may be interested.

Our next meeting will be on February 15, and we will have a presentation from the Seeing Eye, Inc., Morristown, New Jersey. For more information on the organization contact its President, Sandy England, at The call-in number is 800-835-8395, access code 1623768.

Important Update on Accessible Currency, We Need Your Voice!

In June, 2016, the American Council of the Blind (ACB) filed a motion in the U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia to require the U.S. Department of the Treasury to act judiciously and expeditiously in order to release accessible currency by December 31, 2020. The petition to the court followed a Treasury update stating that it would not have accessible currency until as late as 2026, thirteen years past the initial timeline set forth by the court in ACB v. Paulson. The Department of the Treasury claimed that the delay was not due to making currency accessible, but rather over concerns about counterfeiting advancements.

On the morning of October 19, 2017, ACB presented oral arguments before the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia regarding the extensive delays in implementing accessible tactile currency. During the hearing, the government gave little cause to its earlier argument that they had made meaningful access available through the e-currency readers.

On December 26, 2017, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the lower court must make a new determination as to whether all currency must be made accessible by 2026. The government is now attempting to delay implementation of the tactile feature on all currency denominations until the 2030’s. Click here to access a PDF of the currency case decision.

In this connection, as part of our case for the next phase of court activity, ACB wishes to hear from both its members and non-members, expressing their real-life problems in dealing with paper currency. We are particularly interested in your difficulties and challenges when using currency in a public environment, such as when shopping at a store, receiving change from a teller, or riding in a taxi. We would like to gather your firsthand experiences, mishaps, near misses, or “horror stories”.

We would also like to hear of any difficulties people are having when using, or trying to use, the external talking currency reader supplied by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in a public setting.

We are asking that you provide ACB with this information in written form via email. Your individual comments will be reviewed by ACB staff, and then be sent to our attorney. ACB’s attorney will review your written comments, and if appropriate, he will format these accounts that strengthen our case into affidavits for your signature. These signed affidavits will then be filed with the Court.

Individuals wishing to provide statements for the Court on issues and concerns with lack of accessible currency may send your statements to Feel free to call our national office with questions: 202-467-5081.

We believe that your individual real life stories will be critically important in attempting to persuade the Court to set a firm deadline of 2026 for making all currency accessible. We look forward to hearing from as many of you as possible.

DOJ Withdraws Proposed Regulations Regarding How ADA Applies to Websites?

by Elizabeth Neal, AFB blog, American Foundation for the Blind

On December 26, the Department of Justice (DOJ) officially withdrew pending rulemakings that would have clarified exactly how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to web services. In 2010, the DOJ started the rulemaking process to create new regulations for the websites of public accommodations and state and local governments. These "Advance Notices of Proposed Rulemaking" (ANPRMs) have now been withdrawn. For two different, but complementary, perspectives on this news, we recommend Lainey Feingold's excellent blog post, No ADA Web Accessibility Regs? No Excuses and the Seyfarth ADA Title III News & Insights blog post, 2017 Website Accessibility Lawsuit Recap: A Tough Year for Businesses, which summarizes the unprecedented number of website accessibility lawsuits filed in federal and state courts in 2017, and their recommendations for risk mitigation.

Bottom line: does this news substantively change the legal environment around web accessibility? The Department of Justice has long interpreted title III of the ADA to apply to web services, and recent court rulings concerning the accessibility of web content and services have tended to support that online businesses are a public accommodation subject to title III of the ADA. The DOJ clarified in its statement of interest in support of the plaintiffs in the case against Netflix, “The fact that the regulatory process is not yet complete does not support any inference whatsoever that web-based services are not already covered by the ADA, or should not be covered by the ADA.”

The DOJ reiterated this point in a 2014 case, asserting that “the Department has long considered websites to be covered by title III despite the fact that there are no specific technical requirements for websites currently in the regulation or ADA Standards.”

Business owners have certainly noted the extensive attention given to web accessibility recently in the courts and in the media. Any uncertainty created by the lack of new regulations should lead most business owners to take preemptive steps to protect against lawsuits by adopting best practices to make their sites more accessible.

The most cost-effective strategy is to mitigate risk by simply doing the right thing. The W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 are the gold standard for ensuring that websites are fully accessible. These standards are known, well-documented, and can be readily achieved with proper training and usability testing to ensure that websites and apps are accessible to all customers.

One way to mitigate the risk of expensive and time-consuming litigation is to work with nationally respected digital inclusion consultants, such as AFB Consulting, who can help businesses maintain welcoming online environments for customers with vision loss and other disabilities. AFB Consulting's project-specific work, training, and other services enable accessibility across your brands and products, ensuring you meet all standards of compliance.

AFB agrees with the Department of Justice’s previous public statement that “Web accessibility continues to remain a critical component of public entities’ obligation to provide equal access to their programs, services, and activities under the ADA.”

WBU statement for World Braille Day, January 4, 2018

By Kevin Carey, Chair of the WBU, World Braille Council

2018 will be one of the most exciting years for braille since its invention by Louis Braille almost 200 years ago. The World Blind Union and International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) have recently released a piece of software, Easy Converter Express, which will enable teachers and others who work with blind children and adults to produce braille text from digital files with little or no training. The software is free of charge to all, but the very richest countries and it can be downloaded from

The software was developed by the WBU Technology Committee at the request of ICEVI with funding from the Royal National Institute of the Blind of the United Kingdom through a grant from

At the same time, the Orbit 20 refreshable braille display, developed by a consortium of WBU Members, is beginning to emerge in substantial quantities from the factory. This device, which was designed in consultation with the WBU, is a low cost refreshable braille device which acts as a book reader, a simple note taker and a terminal to tablets, phones and computers. For more information see: and

As we celebrate this year's World Braille Day, January 4, it is important that we agree how to give braille a new lease of life now that we have overcome many of the technical and financial factors which have made it expensive and hard to obtain. This is also the year when we will also try to secure the future of braille music by adopting a much more co-operative approach to its production and cataloguing.

Braille is still, in spite of a massive increase in audio resources through internet broadcasting, the primary literacy medium for blind people; and we know that the use of braille gives a massive boost to employment opportunities. But if we are to ensure its survival we now have to do two things: we must make sure that braille as available to far more children and adults; and we must ensure that braille producers, no longer limited by the need to make hard copy braille products, produce far more braille titles for use on braille displays. The temptation will be to see expanding access to braille through cheap displays as an add-on to traditional production but the only way we will be able to afford a rapid expansion of title availability is to cut hard copy production except in those areas, like mathematics and law, where it is essential.

We have the technology for a massive breakthrough; now we need to win the argument about how we maximize it.

World Braille Day is celebrated annually in honour of the birth of Louis Braille, inventor of the reading and writing system used by millions of blind and partially sighted people all over the globe. The World Braille Day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about issues facing the blind and the importance of continuing to produce works in braille, providing the blind with access to the same reading and learning opportunities as the sighted.

The World Blind Union believes that reading is a human right. For more information and resources about braille, please visit our resources section of our website at:…/P…/Braille-Information.aspx


Father Invented A Game To Help His Daughter Learn Braille

The majority of adults with a visual disability in the U.S. are also unemployed.

The jobless rate is close to 60 percent.

Statistics like that, which shed light on the long list of challenges people with vision impairment face, were a driving force behind one father's attempt to help his young daughter adapt to a devastating diagnosis.

Jake Lacourse of Middleborough, Massachusetts, was honored Thursday at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas for creating a game he calls BecDot. It's designed to help his 2-year-old daughter, Rebecca, learn pre-braille concepts.

Rebecca has Usher syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that can cause profound deafness and progressive blindness.

"We knew the world was not going to adapt to her," Lacourse says. "My entire career has been about solving problems."

Lacourse is a product engineer by day. By night, he worked at home developing the game for Rebecca. The playing surface, made with a 3-D printer, is about the size of a tablet. Four large braille cells run across its front.

When a toy—like a cow or a pig, each embedded with an electronic tag—is placed onto the tablet, the corresponding braille dots for a cow or pig pop up.

"What we love to see when she plays with it is that all she tries to do is take her finger and mash the dots back down," Lacourse says. "But that's her learning."

The idea is to help young children learn early braille concepts, and get them ready for the long journey of adapting to a world that's built for people who can see. Lacourse wants to market the toy and sell it for about $100.

It's not the first time a parent has built something for a child facing blindness.

In the early 1970s, a Stanford University engineer named John Linvill created the Optacon for his blind daughter Candy. The system used a small camera that users could roll across a line of print. The camera was connected to a box with an array of vibrating pins inside, and the pins would rearrange themselves into the shape of the corresponding letters as the camera moved forward.

Candy went on to receive a doctoral degree in psychology.

The Optacon was a high-tech innovation at the time, and was widely used, says Ike Presley of the American Foundation for the Blind.

Presley says Lacourse's BecDot is commendable and could help other children. He cautions that it probably won't teach young kids the fine tactile skills they'll need to learn braille.

"We knew the world was not going to adapt to her."
—Jake Lacourse, on his daughter Rebecca

But there is still value to the work Lacourse is doing, he says.

"It gives him an opportunity to do something besides just sit around and wait for the doctors or whoever to come up with a miracle cure," Presley says.

And a cure is needed. Usher syndrome affects just about 20,000 people in the United States and 400,000 around the world, says Nancy Corderman, co-founder of the Usher Syndrome Society.

"But only about 1 percent has been identified," says Corderman, whose two children were diagnosed with a type of Usher syndrome that doesn't develop until later in life. "We have people in our community who weren't diagnosed until they were 28 years old."

But Usher syndrome's symptoms came roaring at the Lacourse family from the start.

Rebecca was profoundly deaf at birth. She wears a pink headband that keeps her cochlear implants in place. There were no immediate signs in infancy that her vision was also going. But her mother, Beth, suspected that something else was wrong with the baby.

When doctors fully diagnosed Rebecca with Usher syndrome a little over a year ago, the family was heartbroken.

"I was just sick for days. I didn't want to leave the house," Beth says. "All my hopes and dreams for her came crashing down."

Worst case, Rebecca will be completely blind by the time she's a teenager. Her peripheral vision is already closing in, and eventually her sight will likely be reduced to a pinhole.

"Her night vision is going now," Beth says. "When she's in a dark area, she says hi constantly just to get the feedback. So we are constantly saying hi back to her so she knows we're right next to her."

Rebecca's parents won't always be at her side, and that's what drove her father to create BecDot. The game was honored at the Consumer Electronics Show with something called The Not Impossible Award, which cites BecDot for its "ability to break through barriers."

"Beth calls this my way of coping. It definitely is," Jake says. "The thing that really helps me is raising awareness so we can be a small part of finding the cure."

Jake has to pause to gather himself. His eldest daughter, Reagan, who is 8 years old and does not have Usher syndrome, can see that her dad is about to cry. She darts across the kitchen and wraps her arms around his waist.

"That's really what we want to do," he says.

Article Link:

Using Social Media When You Are Totally Blind

Rob recently went viral for making millions of users aware of a simple feature that can give him, and others in the blind community, access to a wealth of silly memes and influential images.

Rob Long is a 30-year-old Brazilian jiujitsu competitor in London. He's also a veteran who was injured during combat in Afghanistan, which caused him to lose both eyes.

While stationed in Afghanistan in the summer of 2010, Long and his patrol were hit by an improvised explosive device.

One of his good friends died in the attack. Long survived, but immediately lost his left eye.

Long told BuzzFeed News the blast had caused enough nerve damage in his right eye that it was also removed, leaving his sight "in pitch black." He was then equipped with two prosthetic eyes.

While becoming blind dramatically changed his life, he's embraced technology and learned new ways to adapt. He's now a passionate Brazilian jiujitsu competitor and has won many championships in the UK.

Long is also an avid user of social media. Last week, he made millions of Twitter users aware of one small feature that makes a world of a difference for blind people navigating the social platform.

“I’m a blind twitter user. There are a lot of us out there. Increase your ability to reach us and help us interact with your pictures, it’s really simple and makes a huge difference to our twitter experience allowing us to see your images our way. Thanks for the description”

By enabling the "compose image description" feature in their settings, users are able to write descriptions for any images they tweet. Blind users will be able to "see" that image based on the unique description transcribed aloud to them.

Long said he'd only learned about this feature a month ago.

His one tweet has been seen by 24 million people, and many of them are amplifying the message with a retweet and are now turning on and using image captioning.

He noted and laughed about the irony of conveying this PSA with visual instructions.

For anyone who's enabled the feature, you must also write your caption for each image. Long said he's read some "fantastic descriptions" of images and memes so far.

Over the last few years, Long said technology—specifically his smart phone—has "raised my standard of living." He's now able to consume and engage with online content, even on the most text-heavy and visual-heavy platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

"At the moment I scroll through Twitter and Facebook and I don't feel blind," he said. "I know I don't get exactly what everyone else is getting but I don't feel like I'm missing out or I don't understand the context of a post."

With image captioning on Twitter, for example, Long is able to image the full context of political commentary, silly jokes, or powerful anecdotes.

"It helps normalize social media use," he added.

On Facebook specifically, Long notes that there are bots and AI features to help interpret images. While he is appreciative of the technology, he says it isn't perfect.

He joked that all of his friend's workout photos at the gym have recently been interpreted to him as "basketball courts" and he knows his buddies do not enjoy basketball that much.

Most of the time, however, these automated descriptions have been extremely helpful in "bridging the gap."

For selfies, Long said that descriptions are as mundane and straightforward as "man with beard and glasses." Landscape photos are even described as simply as "a landscape."

With customizable image captioning and with more people using it, Long hopes that those emotional and powerful photos on social media that have shaped our world can also be experienced and "felt" by blind social media users.

"Over the last decades there have been some powerful images of events that have changed the world. Everyone gets to see them and feel their emotions," he said.

"With bare facts it's hard to fill that emotion. If you can convey a powerful image to me, it's so much more impactful. It brings me into the zeitgeist. In that moment, we're all feeling something—as one nation, as one race."

According to Long, the one massively popular app that does not have additional features for the visually impaired is Instagram. "I can't really use it," he said.

Long says that there is no image-captioning capabilities nor AI captioning. That's a big problem, because Instagram's interface is so photocentric.

"Instagram is so visual that it's just a nightmare," he said. "It's really, really hard.

"I'm hoping AI bots can help with this. If Facebook can do it, I'm sure Instagram can do it," he added.

BuzzFeed News has reached out to Instagram about possible AI technologies or other user-friendly features for the blind community that may be in the works or in the pipeline.

Overall, Long said he is "so happy and so surprised" that blind people are able to use and engage with these modern tools to share and socialize. It was not something he gave a thought about before becoming blind, he admits.

"Before I lost my sight I didn't even think about [this] but technology has moved so much," he said. "It's all very intuitive. All my communication is through my phone."

The image-captioning capability, at least on Twitter, has only been introduced and available for a few years. Prior to this, Long said he'd ask his partner to read out every tweet and meme and describe the image to him.

It's now given him tremendous "independence" as far as enjoying and engaging with the social online world.

It seems others were as happy and surprised to know about these simple and accessible tools—all thanks to Long.

Long said some people have expressed to him that they're unsure or nervous of how to caption these images and what to convey. To that, he wants to personally let everyone know: "Don't worry about how we're going to critique the image; just worry about getting the message out."

Article Link:


General UCB Information

Donni Mitchell volunteers in the UCB Office at DSBVI, 250 N 1950 W, Salt Lake City, UT, from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. You can give her a call at 801-520-3766 or visit to purchase cab coupons, t-shirts, screwdriver/hammers, 20/20 pens, signature guides, or measuring cups and spoons.

The UCB maintains a listserv to keep our computer users up-to-date on interesting information as it comes along and to help facilitate an open dialogue between our members. To join the UCB Listserv, send a blank email message to You will receive a request to verify your wish to subscribe. Just reply without changing or adding to the message.

We are always looking for articles, book reviews, or interesting tidbits of information from our readers or other interested persons. The deadline for submitting items for publication is the 1st of the month, e.g. the deadline for the March newsletter is February 1st. You may e-mail any articles you wish to submit to our editor, TerriLynne Pomeroy, at, or send Braille or print to UCB Newsletter, PO Box 1415, Bountiful, UT 84011-1415; please allow extra time for processing Braille or print.

If you have questions or concerns for any board member or to be placed on the agenda of a board meeting, e-mail, and you will receive a timely reply.

Members are invited and encouraged to attend meetings of the Board of Directors. These are typically held the fourth Monday of each month at 3:15 p.m. in the DSBVI Board Room (in the southeast corner of the building), except as noted.

Upcoming Board Meetings

·       Monday, February 26, 2018

·       Monday, March 26, 2018

·       Monday, April 23, 2018

Sign-Up for Our Newsletter: Click Here


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Utah Council of the Blind

1301 W 500 S

Woods Cross UT 84087-2224